Blonde Moments

Monday, June 14, 2010

Explanation for my Absence

I'm sure it's not news to any of you that May is an exceptionally busy month. So, in an attempt to explain my absence, I humbly submit the following:
The end of the school year involved some of this...

And some of this...

And this...

And this, too...

And still more....

Then, we were lucky enough to go to Hawaii again, and this time we got to bring Kevin home with us! So, that involved some of this...

And some of this...

Then, add water, and you get this...

We also found a little of this...

And at Natalie's insistence, some of this...

And of course, some of this...

OK, maybe a LOT of this...

But now, we're home, and I've got my Handy Man back. So, we're doing some of this...

And MORE of this...

And some guys delivered some of this...

So we could do some of this...

So we could be hot and sweaty and wear outfits that embarass the family and scare the neighbors like this...

All to get a patio that looks like this... (pretty, huh?)

And now, I need a little of this...